Who are you? Are you a Cainite or a Sethite? That’s really
what it all boils down to really. Canites break every law God has made and do
not care one bit if they do. They don’t care who gets physically or mentally
hurt. And basically they don’t care about you. They are their own Gods and in
them is pure evil.
If you are a Sethite you follow Gods laws and care and love
each and every Person on the earth.
If you are a Cainite you do everything you can to uphold
lies and deceit for other Cainites.
If you are a Sethite you do everything in your power to
bring all to God and show them the love he has for them.
If you are a Cainite you deceive people and lie to them no
matter how big a lie it is or how many people you deceive in the process. It is
your job as a Cainite to dismantle anything good and pure.
And remove the very word God from the lips of
all Sethite’s.
You see there really are only two types of people that walk
this earth, and those two types are those who trust in God the father and
creator of all things and place their faith only in God or; you do everything in
your power to uphold the lies of the Cainites to keep deceiving even the very
elect. And by doing this continue to erase God the Father and Creator from existence.
There is some incredible stuff one has to understand before truly
grasping the reality of the two. Most will never understand and keep fighting
to strengthen the lies that the Cainites deliver to the earth. Remember this
though, the Sethites still hold the numbers, and can; if they would just stop
placing their faith in man, defeat the Cainites once and for all truly bringing
God the Father and Creator of all things back to the forefront of each and
every man woman and child of this earth.
Just so you know, the Cainite’s are the ones in control of
the earth they worship only lies and deceptions. They are the globalists, the
Banksters and a great deal of the high ranking officials and politicians in
government. You will most likely not believe this and that is to be expected
because of the over 500 years of Cainite indoctrination that has been injected
into the Cainite controlled mainstream Media as well as many other facets of
our life. One needs to only stop placing
trust in the lying lips of man, and start placing faith in God the Father and