Are We The People, suckers? TALON

“The elites don't care not one whit about America's school system, and school children. if they truly cared; what they would do, is they would protect them. For them it's not a safety issue, it's a political issue. Their goal is to eliminate the Second Amendment and our firearms freedoms so they can eradicate all individual freedoms.” (NRA executive vice president Wayne LaPierre)

That statement couldn’t be truer, yet people because of the division the media has caused in the US, people think it’s a big fight between the right and the left. This is so far from reality that it sickens me. 

WE THE PEOPLE are one; the Government is split, making two teams, and this too is a smoke screen. This is not what we should be fighting about. We should be coming together as a nation to fight the corruption in government, the government that has been under the thumb of the banksters, the world leaders that have from the very beginning been treating us all like a commodity. This should enrage people but it doesn’t. People still mill around like clueless zombies believing everything that’s spewed via TV “Programming”

When people realize that WE THE PEOPLE do not matter in their grand plan, only then will they wake up and see the true reality that we are nothing more than vermin to the richest of the rich. The government doesn’t care about us at least a good percentage of them do not, and that’s because they are controlled by money. WE THE PEOPLE have been getting ripped off for hundreds of years and it seems as if no one notices or if they do; they don’t care unless of course it affects them personally.

Can the people ever be awoken to see this corruption and division that the big business controlled Media is spreading? They brought in more racism dividing colors, they always pit the right against the left they even recently pitted women against men. Can’t anyone see what’s happening here?
When one wakes up and can see through the lies and deceit; it is so crystal clear. Repetitive mind control and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) becomes very noticeable when you do wake up. But it is a process of studies and research that one has to dedicate their lives to and this I cannot see happening to most people. They are to self-absorbed in their own petty little lives to care about anything other than; their self. We are in some really screwed up times people.

WE THE PEOPLE owe it to our children and grandchildren to leave them with a great country to live in and it sure does not look like we will be free to much longer. Children of today have an “I want money for free” attitude and they feel that they are owed something for doing nothing. And this will destroy us as nation. 

You see it time after time kids and young adults doing whatever it takes to gain notice to get those likes to have people watching them. they even goes as far as to hurt themselves and in some cases even die doing something stupid or people even kill themselves. What kind of attention does that get you?

This super hero society we live in is heading straight for total destruction. People are easily manipulated into believing just about anything and that is downright scary on so many levels that I will get to in a few moments.

We live in a me me me society and who do we have to blame? Yes media mainstream and social media. Everyone wants to be on the winning team, no one wants to be the one who gets singled out as the nut case or the bad guy even those unrightfully accused nut cases or bad guys are completely correct. This is all by design and why people can’t see this is beyond me.
Oh it’s going to get worse; a whole hell of a lot worse if things do not change.

This is the reality for the Elite. Us peasants work our fingers to the bone and they just sit back and mock us as they gain total control over us the vermin. Yes that’s what we are to the 2%ers steerage, lower than filth.

If you think it’s bad now; the infiltration that will be going on soon will snap everyone into attention and you will become a subservient obedient robot doing as you are told or you will be dragged through the mud destroying your credibility and anything that was ever good about you through AI yes people AI. They can already digitally recreate exactly how you look. And with CGI in such a perfect tech advancement position it can place you anywhere anytime doing anything they want you to look like you’re doing. They will tear your personality to shreds with CGI making you look like a murderer, a bank robber a rapist or even a pedophile. 

Technology is a great deal more advanced than most people could even imagine. Shits gonna get real; real soon. So if I were you; I would turn your TV’s off leave social media and get back to the roots of being a human, with human to human contact.

This fighting between each other has to stop. This is a designed plan of the elite to divide and conquer and that’s a fact. 

WE THE PEOPLE have the power to take our country back, but it’s going to take each and everyone us black white red brown yellow. Gay, straight or what ever else you identify as. 

WE THE PEOPLE it is time to WAKE UP!!

If you take anything from this, please take it as a gesture of love. This is point blank in your face information that everyone needs to understand.

RO 02/28/2018 TLION (TALON)