Indoctrination is not something to push to the side, because each and every one of us suffers the effects of it.

1.       Who is using it on us?
·         All forms of media. (Television, Newspapers, Entertainment ECT,)
·         All government funded learning institutions. (Public schools)

2.       Who is affected by it?
·         Anyone that watches Television, or reads any type of newspaper controlled by the indoctrinators.
·         Anyone that has attended a public school.

3.       What does indoctrination mean?
·         The process of teaching a person or group to accept a set of beliefs uncritically. (accepting or approving something without analyzing or questioning it or discriminating between good and bad, or if it is even correct or true)

4.       What are the effects of being exposed to it?

·         Freedom of thought removed
·         Mass cultural, religious and political division.
·         Fear of this or of that for no reason.
·         You lose the ability to think for yourself

5.       When did it all start?
·         It has been going on from the very beginning of any type of governance.

6.       Where did it originate from?
·         The very first government power whenever that was. No one really knows, but rest assured its been happening for generations. For the last 500 years it has been going on pretty strong. 

7.       Why is it being used?
·         Gaining the approval of the people for this reason or that, and demonizing all apposing opinions or ideals that do not align with this or that desired outcome.

8.       Why is it so hard to turn from it?
·         Once you have been indoctrinated by a certain source, you will continue to use that source for any and all decisions, and because those that are affected by the resource and; they do not do their own research, they become brainwashed into believing this is the only way to think, and anything other than that is wrong. And; if you turn from this view, you will be ridiculed and demonized.
  How is it being used?
·         Start as early as possible. (Childhood in public schools)
·         Persistently teach and praise the desired doctrine over a long period of time, preferably years.
·         Demonize alternative views and/or insulate the people.
·         Teach the children they are not capable of making decisions about beliefs for themselves (i.e., that obedience to authority is paramount).
·         Make the people believe that this or that is the only correct worldview. Make them believe even if you have to lie. Use guilt continuously.
·         Discourage any form of doubt by personifying it as a weakness.
·         Immerse the people in a social environment composed only of people with the same beliefs. (Right & Left News Media)

10.   How can we break away from it ?
·         1st step is to turn off your televisions and cancel all subscriptions to main stream news media newspapers and magazines.
·         Start doing your own research.
·         Question everything you see and read.
·         Trust no government official, including public school teachers without first doing the research on your own.

The demonizing effects of indoctrination are destroying the people of this earth. Lies and deception have removed all too many real truths, and replaced them with unproven lies. And because of the mass indoctrination, people fight to preserve the lie and they do it with mass conviction. This is very sad because they have been brainwashed into believing what was told to them without checking if what was told to them is the truth or lies. This is a major problem on so many levels.

information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

These next lines will turn people off because of the indoctrination but I am going to write them anyway. Biblically speaking everything that is going on was told through scripture. Some of the things that are happening are…

1.       The removal of God from the lips of people.
2.       The truth about where we live.
3.       Why we are here.
4.       How we came to be.

These are all very important issues that should be addressed. But you because of your indoctrination will demonize these words. Right now your saying this is bullshit, this person is a nut case, or maybe this person has no idea what they are talking about. Of course you are saying these things, that is; what we have been taught to say since we were all kindergarteners in school. We have to wake the hell up and stop believing unproven lies and we must turn from the deceptions that are going on. We are more important than you know. These mind screwers have been telling us we are of no significance, that we are a small speck in the unproven make believe universe. Oh now you’re really starting to call this person nuts aren’t you? Well know this, I have awoken and I have done the research. Now it’s your turn to turn from the deceptive lies and join the millions that have awoken.