WE THE PEOPLE Are we really free from slavery?

Are we really free from slavery?
Do you ever ask yourself that question? If you think about it, I mean really think about it the answer is right there in front of you. The answer is yes we are still living in slavery. WHAT? Is something you're saying right now. well let me explain. 

Slavery has been a part of society forever, there is always some group of people that have been enslaved. What does this mean? Well when one is forced to work and does not receive every penny from the labor that is slavery.

Most people think about the slavery of black people well that was definitely slavery all the labor they did through force without any real form of payment other than shitty lodging and being treated like less that human. This is the slavery people refer to when this question is asked.

Believe it or not we live in a form of slavery even today. Not just any specific race but each and every one of us. Being free to work for a living and being able to receive all monies do for the labor given that is freedom. 

Well the word taxes are a form of slavery, if even 1% of your money is taken from you; you are living in slavery. Whoa! Yes but it gets better or worse as it were.

This country is run by a few select elite families and yes it may be hard to believe but each one of those families are related in some way. Anyone that has ever been president has been related to the previous one they are all free masons and these people control the slave trade. What! You say once more. 

Yes we are all slaves, the only difference is we are given the illusion of choice and the illusion of freedom. In a free world, free from slavery, a family should be able to find a plot of land and build upon that land without any type of restrictions. This family should be free from taxes on that land. Remember any money that is taken from a labor completed by you is slavery.

We are all given this illusion of choice when it comes to who we vote for. And because the families in politics are all related, no matter who wins, it’s the same group of families that run the slave trade.
We have all been lied to on so many levels it makes your head spin. 

They have given us peasants a little space to be able to pick our own home to be a dept. slave with, they even let us have a couple days off so they can take more of our money through entertainment. 

WHAT? Yes entertainment is a way of keeping us occupied, deviating our focus from the truth of what’s really going on. This is probably getting a bit too deep for the ones that are within a deep rooted brainwashing. Good news you can pull yourself out of it.

Anyway the fact is, we are all slaves and are forced to work or our human right of life will be a living hell. I for one believe in a creator and I am sure when he created this earth he did not have any intentions of charging us for every little thing he put here for us. The only thing God asks for in return, is your love and devotion to him. And that’s a pretty good payment if you ask me.

This earth is filled with slave drivers not just the US. This is happening all over the earth. It does not matter what country you are from, every human being has been enslaved.

HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? Well it’s simple really. MONEY! Money is slavery. Money is the God of the elite. Money is power and money is control. Money is slavery. There is, and has always been some sort of goods trade. And this worked on many levels. 

God does have his one tax and its called tithe he wants 10% of what you make to go to helping those less fortunate, basically helping those who do not have a gift to create a trade good. Now this was told biblically as 10% to the church. Church is not a building, church is a group of believers that gather and talk about God.

When we were placed here, God never intended us to be dept. slaves, and that’s a fact. We The People could stand up for our rights and take our freedoms back, but you and I both know that will never happen because people are to self-absorbed in there petty little lives to give a crap about anyone but themselves.

In closing I want to remind you that you have the right to “LIFE LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS” this is a natural right, a right that should never be taken away from you. Each and every day WE THE PEOPLE let our rights be taken from us, and most don’t even know it’s happening until it’s too late.

Subscribe and continue to learn about the freedoms you can save and stop or bring back the ones you have lost. Join TALON (TEACHING AMERICANS LIBERTY & OPEN MINDEDNESS NATIONALLY) you have the power to make change. It’s only with We The People, that change can be made to happen.
RO TALON 03/01/2018