How to be a responsible person.

What does irresponsibility look like, sound like and feel like?

Let’s break it down.

1.       Being irresponsible, looks dirty, messy, unorganized and unprepared, and the reason is very simple, if you think about it. If a person is irresponsible, everything is dirty their house themselves in a great deal of cases, and anything around them.
If you are living your life dirty and living messy; how you can be prepared for anything? And to top it off because of the filth, people will not trust you. What? That’s right people attribute cleanliness with trust, because it’s all tied to responsibility.

2.       Being irresponsible, Sounds loud. What? When you are irresponsible people are constantly yelling at you clean this clean that, pick up this pick up that. You hear people talking behind your back about how dirty you are and how lazy you are,
and you have zero excuses because you have used them all up. No one likes being yelled at all the time. These are all the things Irresponsible sounds like. Whenever a dirty person says they will do this or do that no one will believe them. Why? Because again, everything is tied to responsibility

3.       Being irresponsible, feels like everyone hates you, no one wants to hang out with you because you are dirty and lazy. You always get the feeling of failure at the good jobs and anything that has a great deal of people involved because no one wants you around.
One of the worst feelings in the world is the feeling of abandonment when no one trusts you, no one wants to be around you or even talk to you. Sadness and disappointment are feelings no one wants to have in their life.

Good news about all of these things, they are very fixable by doing just one little thing, becoming a responsible person is the quick fix to become a healthier happier and well respected person. And; you do not have to rush around at the last minute cleaning you, your house and whatever else needs to be cleaned when someone says they are coming over.
It is really kind of hard to imagine something so simple can change a person’s life overnight.


1.       Keep yourself clean
2.       Keep your house picked up and clean
3.       Do not keep anything you don’t use. (This causes clutter, and clutter can’t be cleaned, because that’s why it’s called clutter) preparedness is so easy when you are clean.

When you have achieved these three little steps, no more yelling or hearing people say hurtful things about you. People will want; to be around you. You will become a much loved person and for a bonus, because you; and your house is always clean, you will not have to bust your ass cleaning it when people are coming over. One more very important thing, don’t ever say you are going to do something for someone if you think there is a chance that you will not be able to come through on the promise.

PS: Live long, live healthy and above all; Love yourself.
R.O. 03/09/2018