Destroying and enslaving a nation one bean at a time

“One of the greatest mental freedoms is truly not caring what anyone else thinks of you.”

Destroying and enslaving a nation one bean at a time

This is a great quote. I do not know who said it but it makes a lot of sense. In a time where people just really don’t give two shits about anything else but themselves, this quote is very damaging to the very fabric of this country. A quote like this can be taken in a couple different ways. Although not caring about what others think of you, is a mental freedom, this same freedom can also be a prison. I guess it would depend on what one is doing or not doing while achieving the mental freedom. In today’s social media prison, people not caring what others think of them leans both ways, again depending on the circumstance of the situation. On one hand you have those people that don’t care what others think when it comes to things that, that individual does to gain attention. What I mean by this is, these particular people do not care what my opinion of them is when it comes to the extremes they go through to gain popularity, like likes or followers. The big issue with people like this is, they care more about what they are doing and less about noticing what’s truly going on and even if they did see the problems would they even care? What I am talking about is, people that do not care about anything that anyone says unless it directly affects them on a personal level. This can be very damaging on a national scale. When a person does whatever they want to satisfy them and them alone; this can become a very large problem if a majority of people do the same thing. It kind of makes you think about things you research on how people are becoming tech zombies and running from the true human connection. I for one believe this self-serving society epidemic is from the removal of God from the equation. When you think about it, a servant of all is the greatest of all. But all we see these days are people that serve themselves and could give two shits what anyone else thinks unless it directly affects them in some way. Another big issue with this is the long term effects of this kind of thinking. Right now, today there are a great deal of life changing things going on, and because of this disconnect, our personal freedoms are at risk. Some people know the truth but do not care enough do step up and do anything about it. We all know that the twin towers were brought down and thousands of people were killed, and that it was nothing more than a false flag. When the elite have an agenda, they will do and kill what and whoever they need to, to complete their goal. Now without jumping off topic to much, there are those that want world domination and they have been doing things for hundreds of years to achieve this goal. Now that’s a topic for another day. The issue at hand here is a bill on the table in government, which will directly affect each and every one of us in the long term. Too many people, as I said, live for the now; and do not think of the impact that their ignorance will have on us all in the future. The easiest way to take all the beans from someone that needs them to survive, is to take them a little at a time, by convincing them that they don’t need them. By doing it this way; the final goal of taking all the beans becomes a reality, and you then realize you have been swindled and it’s too late to do anything about it because they now have all the beans. Now the same thing is happening with guns. They are taking a little at a time by convincing people that, they do not need guns like this or like that. The fact is it’s not about need or what they are used for, the fact is; you do not need a need, a simple want or the desire to have is all you need. We The People have the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness and if the pursuit of happiness means owning a gun then by God those people should own them and they do not need a need, only a want or a desire or have. More importantly there were needs intended when the 2nd amendment was written, and those needs were the need to survive, and that need falls under the right to life, and secondly the need to institute new government when our government becomes so destructive and so powerful that the people fear it, when in fact it should be the other way around. Fearing the government only means tyranny and when the government fears the people with that you have liberty and as stated; we have the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This is the big picture, this is our future and with all the people that don’t care what everyone else thinks, that can be great for some things but when your personal, petty, unimportant, attention grabbing, egotistical shenanigans to gain attention gets in the way of millions of peoples futures; its high time you wake your ass up and go to work for the future. It’s not about you or your personal feelings; it’s about freedom to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness for your children and your grandchildren. In closing I would also state what I have stated many times before. You need to turn off your TV and stop being brainwashed. All they are doing is causing division in the US, division that will destroy us all. It’s not about republicans, it’s not about democrats, it’s not about being black or white, male or female, gay or straight, it’s about unity. This is what we need at this time. So the next time you turn on your TV pay attention to how they deliver their bullshit brainwashing techniques. Or better yet don’t turn the damn thing on at all. All news media is bought and paid for by the elite that control this country. Especially CNN and FOX these are the right and left powerhouses of division. Just open your eyes and see with an open mind that we are being duped, and for God’s sake; stop believing the bullshit lies. These lies and deceptions are taking away our human rights. Please just stop for a minute and see the truth and don’t listen to the dividers of this country. Everyone has the same rights and these rights are being trampled on because people are so into themselves and this disconnect will be our demise. We were a great nation. We are not so great anymore and I blame the elite banksters, the corruption that comes from bribery within the government, and a big player in the human disconnect is social media. They say it is connecting the world but the human connection is being removed replaced with millions of world views and misinformation. This is also a topic for another time. Take care of yourself and love your fellow humans with the love you desire. Peace and love to you all.R.O 03/11/2018