Maybe an EMP will wake us up and
bring back the human connection.
Time has
proven one thing, and that is we are all easily entertained, and this has pretty
obviously a serious problem. On one hand being entertained keeps our minds
filled with a fuel that every human needs. Those fuels are love, happiness and
of course our health. Not just physical health, but our mental health as well. I
think one of the most valuable possessions on this earth is our health, love,
and happiness. No matter what we accomplish and accumulate in life, we are unable
to take the extra junk with us.
Some people,
not all but some have opened their eyes and have seen the light so to speak. Seen
the light? Yes. We live in a world filled with stuff and money is directly
connected to that stuff. To buy the stuff, people need money. So media advertisements
and advertisements on the internet and everywhere else get us to focus on their
stuff, because without money the big corporations can’t buy the stuff they
Where am I going
with this you’re probably asking? Well; those three things; happiness, love and
health in the physical are connected to stuff. But the truth is mental health,
love and happiness does not require the need for stuff, to achieve true love,
happiness and mental health human connection is a must. Believing in the
creator is another way to achieve these things. But without that God and human
connection we become empty, and the electronic devices that we try and fill
those gaps with are not giving us the love, happiness and mental health we
People have
replaced this much needed human connection with stuff. Open your eyes for just
a few moments and walk around town, go to the malls if there are any left,
because of this electronic age physical stores and malls are closing down
rapidly. Look at people not your phone when you are out and see what this tech
is doing to us.
Smart phone
are causing a serious disconnect from human connection. People are turning to
these Smart phone Gods to entertain themselves, to fill themselves with love,
happiness and health. This is not real. People are doing anything and
everything to get the attention they could get by just talking to people,
mingling with people, and sharing in real human connected time, about what’s
going on in your life.
If people
opened up in person; instead of opening up online facing a computer screen, the
true love, health and happiness would shine through and we would have a better
quality of life. I for one have done this. And talk about an eye opener. As I look
around in the real world, I see a sea of robots looking down at their phones
totally unaware of the goings on around them.
This disconnect,
has in some cases, removed our humanity. How? You’re asking.
Well; how many
times have you seen someone getting hurt or even killed and no one is coming to
the rescue? Does it ever occur to you that help is right there? What do you mean
you’re thinking, well; you would not be seeing this so called video of the
people getting hurt or killed if that disconnected person filming the action
would put the damn smart phone down and help the people they are filming.
We see
this daily on a very big level. And for us a human species to heal ourselves we
need to put the electronic devices down and get out and reconnect in real life.
Social media
has become a God to millions of people and they turn to this God for everything
from, love to attention and even guidance on everything. It all seems great in
the beginning but it is slowly eating away at our human nature. People are
starving for attention.
Everyone wants to be the hero.
All this has
been created by the electronic age. This is a false connection and it’s turning
us all into Zombies so to speak. NLP (Neuro Linguistic programming) is giving
people their opinions instead of gaining those opinions on research that you do
yourself. On a daily basis the propaganda
news & entertainment industry is brainwashing us all with easy tactics that
people don’t even recognize.
Do yourself
a favor some time, and watch the news with an unbiased mind. Watch their movements, watch what and how they interview people after events like the shootings, fires, earthquakes, politicians or any type of news with an agenda
that they want you to agree with. Use these tactics to see their mind control in
Here are some of the tactical things they do to gain your support.
1. The story
2. Their opinion of the story
3. The heart strings. Usually a family
member friend or someone that was there or says they were there.
4. Demonize the other side.
5. More of the opinions from the news
6. Then the expert. Someone comes on
giving their expert opinion on the subject.
7. More opinions from the peanut
gallery. (News casters)
8. Then they demonize the opposing side again.
Now what just happened? Well, what they did was grab your backing with
their opinion on the story, they pulled on the heart strings to gain strength with
your backing. They gain more of your backing with their demonizing of the other
side. Then they bring in the expert putting a stamp on their opinion giving it
even more strength to your backing their side of the story, then more of their
opinions getting just a little more strength. And finally demonizing the other
side just a little more to knock the home run with your backing.
When they do interviews with people on the opposite side of their objective
opinion they use all kinds of tactics such as hand signs interruptions topic
changing adding dehumanizing speech. All these things gain your attention and strengthen
the interviewer’s opinion and the backing of their side of the story or the negative
character or characteristics of the person they are interviewing. They are
really good at manipulation. And all these things that they do, are to gain your
approval and demonize anyone that does not agree with their opinion; and no one
wants to be belittled, so you; most of the time, jump to the winning side and that’s
usually the side of the interviewer.
You now have some of the keys to freeing your mind. Use these to
disconnect from the propaganda networks. Go out connect with real human beings.
Put your phone down and talk to real humans. The true love, happiness and
mental health come from real life human connections. I love you all please take
care of your selves. May God bless you all and keep you free from the deception.
RO 03/05/2018