The true right of the people to keep and bear arms not some some but all. equal to that of the tyrannical government
Why is it so hard for people to find the correct path when it comes to guns. Media and the power hungry elite are swaying everyone one way when the way they need to sway is the law of the land way.
People have this misconception that guns are bad or that no one needs a high powered Rifle. Well that’s an opinion that has been drilled into people heads through the above mentioned groups.
Here it is in a nut shell. The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
1. well regulated Militia
A. A body of citizens enrolled for military service, and called out periodically for drill but serving full time only in emergencies.
B. A body of citizen soldiers as distinguished from professional soldiers. all able-bodied males considered by law eligible for military service.
C. A body of citizens organized in a paramilitary group and typically regarding themselves as defenders of individual rights against the presumed interference of the federal government.
2. free State
This is any state that does not implement slavery. So because all states have been free from slavery; it is every state in the US.
3. The people
The people in this context is each and every citizen in the US.
Now the militia is, or appears to be the national guard or possible the military based in each state in the union. Some may even feel it is the police departments in each state. Now to keep it free from invasion or slipping back into slavery is my thought, and to protect the citizens in each state from harm, we need a well regulated militia.
The right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. We as a people have the right to arm ourselves and that is not to be infringed. This means any weapon equal to the regular army or militia. Why is this? Well when they drafted the bill of rights for “the people” it was to protect us from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Each and every member of the government and local police department have to swear to uphold this statement and its meaning, To protect all of us from all enemies foreign and domestic. “DOMESTIC?” In the inevitable case that the government grew too large and spun out of control intruding on the rights of “The People” the people would be equally armed to fight against that government to restore the freedoms of the people again.
It seems to me that most people don’t get it. Weapons all weapons not just some. As it sits now the people are out gunned by the Governments military, when in fact it should be equal or close to it. The drafters of the bill of rights made sure they put that statement into the document for a reason. it’s not about hunting or the type of gun like most have been brainwashed into believing, it’s about protecting our liberty and when the government fears the people we have liberty. When the people fear the government we have tyranny.
I am sorry to say we live in tyrannical times my fellow American’s. The government is spinning out of control and have lost touch with the real reason they have been elected. They were elected to keep us free and to protect us from all enemies foreign and domestic. They are not doing that. They are steeling our rights away one law at a time and now they want to take our right to protect ourselves from them. We have to stand up and stop this or it will be too late. As I said, they already out gun us. I feel there should be tanks in the driveways of several americans. I feel there should be armaments in the houses of americans that consist of all types of weaponry equal to the governments army. This is the true meaning of the second amendment. Its time to wake up and see the truth. “WE THE PEOPLE” the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."