Repetitive Mind Control

It’s no wonder people agree with the lies that are being spewed at them on a daily basis. They were brainwashed in school to not question authority and to conform to the popular idea. Society as a whole, has been mind screwed since early childhood.
We are all taught to remember, when what we should be doing is thinking. The greatest minds in history were thinkers and the elite do not want thinkers because they are problems in their ultimate plan of total control.Ever since TV was invented they have used it to manipulate the public, slowly desensitizing everyone into believing what they want us to believe. We are not allowed to be free thinkers that would be bad in their total control game plan. Example, you’re driving to work one day and there is a billboard that has a very cool car on it and you really are attracted to it. Each day you drive by it, and look at it. After a few weeks you really don’t even know it’s there. Repetitive mind control is just like that. If they keep showing you the same thing over and over again, you will eventually be desensitized to it, and that makes it OK

This is what they have done with SEX. Yes folks; if you look back into history sex was a private thing between a man and a wife. First they showed a few light scenes in the movies maybe a peck on the hand. Then it was a hug then a tighter hug, and then comes the little smooch on the cheek ECT. Now stay with me for a minute. Think about it, throughout the years, sex has been slowly blasted in every aspect of our lives.
I bet you don’t know what the true reason for the Total Annihilation of Sodom and Gomorra was? Well my answer will prove you have been under repetitive mind control. (HOMOSEXUALITY) God was beyond mad. There are no words that can explain how truly upset he was with his creations.
Now; I want to know what the first thing that crossed your mind, what was the first thing you wanted to say? “OH the writer is a homophobe? Oh this guy doesn’t know what he is talking about”. Then maybe a few political slurs… “This guy is a right wing nut job or typical republican rhetoric” Am I close?
Yes folks whether you want to believe it or not you have been brainwashed.
If you look back a to the forties and fifties and even the first part of the sixties before the sexual revolution brought on by yes you guessed it, Media through movies. Women wore dresses that covered their bodies leaving so much for the imagination. Now; well you don’t need me to tell you, people in general, men, and; women wear almost nothing and it’s accepted as the norm. Remember the word closet homosexual? Now who do you think injected that term into your ears? (MEDIA)  that’s right if something is said enough it becomes the norm. They kept pounding out political correct words to make it more expectable. Then finally, after everyone was desensitized to homosexuality, people started running out of those closet another word invented by media. Even now you are saying I am a gay hater and things like this. But you know what? You don’t know me as well as you think you do.
I am in control of my salvation, and you are in control of yours. You do what you feel is right and I will do what my God asks of me. I am to love everyone with unconditional love. I however do not have to agree with the choices that they make, but again that’s their choice. All I can do is what God asks of me and that is to inform you that what is going on is an abomination in Gods eyes. And if you do not turn from it you will be given up to your own lusts and that’s that. Will I still be your friend oh heck yes. I will still love and respect you as a child of God no matter your choices. That’s my duty.
In closing all I ask is that you open your eyes and see the corruption that is going on in this world and turn from the darkness. But again that’s your choice. I am just doing what God asks of me. Be blessed and see you in the next blog.
Rich Ornelas
